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The Austrian Empire reclaimed Hungary from the OTTOMAN EMPIRE, which occupied the region for roughly 200 years.

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Q: What country lost Hungary to austria in the 1700s?
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This empire lost hungary to austria in the 1700s?

The Ottomans

What country did Maria Theresa rule?

Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Habsburg dominions. In the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48), she lost Silesia.

Who lost its heir through assassination?

The empire of Austria-Hungary, in 1914.

Which nation lost the most territory in settlements following ww1?

Austria- Hungary

Which Central Power lost the most territory after the world war 1?

The Ottoman Empire lost the most territory after the World War 1. Under the peace treaty with Britain the most of the Ottoman Empire was redistributed and turned into their own countries.

How did Hungary benefit from Austria-Hungary economy?

The Hungarians did not benefit from it at all. They always tried to get their independence. Hungary lost 2/3 of their land, the population decreased from 20 million to 7.5 million ----------[Response] Wrong. Hungary benefited quite a fair bit from Austria. With the rise of Industrialization Hungary employed policies that pressured Austria to establish modern transportation, and key industries.

How did Hungary benefit from Austria-Hungary's economy?

The Hungarians did not benefit from it at all. They always tried to get their independence. Hungary lost 2/3 of their land, the population decreased from 20 million to 7.5 million ----------[Response] Wrong. Hungary benefited quite a fair bit from Austria. With the rise of Industrialization Hungary employed policies that pressured Austria to establish modern transportation, and key industries.

What countries were in the Central Powers?

Prussia (Germany), Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

What did Austria and Hungary gain from fighting in World War 1?

Gain? Austria lost its empire, Hungary lost 3/4 of its land. The latter one is widely considered to be the biggest loser of the war. The only gain these two had from the war is the end of the Habsburg monarchy, and their independence from a greater empire.

What governments collapsed as a result of World War 1?

The empires that were lost as a result of WWI were Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Germany lost its colonies.

What territories were lost by Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Germany and Russia?

Russia lost land that was formed into Finland, Lithania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and some was added to Romania. Austria-Hungary was broken up into four separate countries: Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Germany lost all its colonial possesions, a piece out of the south-east that was added to Czechoslovakia and a strip of land that included the port city Danzig was given to Poland so it wouldn't be totally landlocked. Bulgaria lost all of its border on the Mediterranean.

4 nations that LOST territory after the World War 1?

Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and Bulgaria