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In April 1945 the Soviet army took Berlin, and a few months later, in June 1945, British and American (and shortly afterwards also French) troops took possession of their countries' sectos of Berlin ... (The question as it stands is somewhat puzzling).

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Q: What country liberated Auschwitz?
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Which regiment liberated Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was liberated by the 322nd Rifle Divsion

When was Auschwitz taken?

Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians on January 25, 1945.

When was Monowitz liberated?

Monowitz (Auschwitz III) was liberated on 27 Janaury 1945, about 2-3 hours before Auschwitz I and II.

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There was never such a rumour, no American was within 1000km when Auschwitz was liberated.

What German concentration camp was liberated in 1945?

In January of 1945 Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Union.

Who was liberated from Auschwitz?

about 7 000 of the most sick and dieing inmates were left in the camp to be liberated.

Was it lierated or destroyed plus the camp of aUSCHWITZ?

it was liberated

Who let go the Jews in aushwitz?

Auschwitz was liberated by the American army.

When were the subcamps of Auschwitz liberated?

A range of dates from 22nd-30th January 1945.

What happen to people in concentration camp on holocaust day?

It was the day that Auschwitz was liberated.

Why is January 27th a Memorial Day?

Auschwitz was liberated on 27/01/1945

Was Anne franks dad rescued by American soldiers?

No. Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians.