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Spain and a small country called Andorra.

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Q: What country is next to Portugal in Europe?
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Is Portugal a city?

Portugal is not a city. It is a small country in Europe next to Spain and the Atlantic Ocean.

Is Portugal a continent?

No it is not a continent. It is a country next to Spain located in Europe which is a continent. There are seven continents.

On which continent is Portugal?

Portugal is in the European Continent. It is the westernmost country in Europe, both main land and islands (Azores). As such Portugal is an European country, usually refereed as one of the South European Countries or one of the Mediterranean Country (being Spain, Italy and Greece other examples of countries in this category).

Is Portugal a state or not?

Portugal is a country in the West of Europe.

Is Portugal in North America?

No. Portugal is a country in Europe.

Is Portuguese part of Asia?

PORTUGAL is not part of asia, it is located in south america <><><> Portugal is the country right next to Spain. In Europe, not South America.

Where were Spain and Portugal located in Europe?

Spain is a country east of the country of Portugal.

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What is the physical region for Portugal?

Portugal is a sovereign country in South West Europe in Iberian peninsula. It is the western most country of Europe.

What is the country in Europe that is the farthest west?

Iceland. On mainland Europe, the westernmost country is Portugal.

Is the city of libon located in Europe?

I think you mean Lisbon, which is the capital of Portugal. Portugal is a country in Europe.

Westernmost country in Europe?

Portugal is the westernmost country in Europe with an Island named Flores in the Azores Archipelago. The western most point of the island is located at N39,45144, W31.26786.