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Q: What country in Europe gained it independence in 1991 from the soviet union?
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When was Armenia's independence?

Armenia gained independence from the Soviet Union on September 21, 1991.

When did azerbaijan gain its independence?

It gained independence from the Soviet Union in October 18, 1991 .

Is kazakhstan a state or a country?

Kazakhstan is a country. It is the world's largest landlocked country, located in Central Asia. It gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Is Turkmenistan part of Russia?

Not anymore. Uzbekistan was one of the republics of the Soviet Union, but now it's an independent country. . In 1991 Uzbekistan gained independence from Russia. Uzbekistan is a self-sufficient country in energy and other resources remaining rebellious toward Russia.

How did independent nation states develop later in Eastern Europe than in western Europe?

The Soviet Union (basically Russia) had control of Eastern Europe for a long time and most states just recently gained independence in the late 1900s.

First to gain independence from the soviet union?

Lithuania was the first one and it gained the independence on March 11th, 1990.

Is Russia a federation?

If you're talking about the Russia of today, then yes. If you're talking about Russia before 1991, then no.

When did Kazakhstan gain the independence?

Declared its independence from the Soviet Union 16th Dec 1991.

Which nations in the Soviet Union gained independence through rebellion?

None, not while the Soviet Union existed.

When did Azerbaijan gain independe?

It gained independence from the Soviet Union in October 18, 1991 .

When did Kazakhstan become part of the UN?

1992, shortly after it gained independence from the Soviet Union.

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