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British. France abandoned all claim to North America excapt two small islands near Newfoundland

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Q: What country had control of new Orleans after the treaty of Paris 1763?
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Which country gained control over Canada as a result of the treaty of Paris of 1763?

great britian

What country gained complete control over Canada under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763?

Great Britain

What is the name of the treaty that gave England control of Canada?

The Treaty of Paris.

Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 which country gained complete control over Canada?

yesYes does not tell me what the answer is please tell me the country do not mess with me!

What country did John Adams sign a treaty in order to avoid war?

If you are asking about the Treaty of Paris that ended the revolution it was in Paris, France.

What peace treaty ended the French and Indian War?

The Treaty Of Paris

What treaty gave Britain control of Newfoundland Acadia and Hudson Bay territory in Canada?

The Treaty of Paris (1763)

Why was the treaty of signed in Paris?

The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris because France created the treaty and it was signed in Paris.

What treaty ended the french and Indian war?

The Paris Treaty or The Treaty of ParisNEW ANSWER:The Treaty of Paris in 1763, brought the end to the French and Indian War. In the final settlement, Britain managed to acquire Florida from Spain.In partial compensation, Spain received New Orleans and the part of French Louisiana west of the Mississippi. The regions that were once known as New France, was no more.

What treaty gave the US control of Puerto Rico and Guam?

P.R. was the Foraker Act. Guam was the Treaty Of Paris.

Which country was granted to Britain from France after the Treaty of Paris of 1763?


Which country was not transferred to the US in the Treaty of Paris 1898?

virgin islands