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The peanut, or groundnut, is a species in the legume family (so it is a pea rather than a nut) native to South America, Mexico and Central America. It is now grown in subtropical countries across the world.

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16y ago

Probably from Bolivia and Paraguay in South America,

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Q: What country do peanuts come from?
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Were does peanuts come from?

Peanuts come from a kind of plant named peanut plant.

Where in the world do peanuts come from?

Peanuts are the main export of Senegal in Africa.

Where did peanuts come from?


How did the customary system come to be?

by peanuts

What nuts come from underground?

Peanuts grow underground. But, peanuts aren't truly nuts; they're legumes.

Which country is the leading exporter of peanuts in the world?

The United States

Where did planter's peanuts come from?

Evidence demonstrates that peanuts were domesticated in prehistoric times in Peru. Peanuts are native to South America, Mexico, and Central America.

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The Peanuts Lighted Window Decorations do not come with replacement bulbs, but they use standard mini-bulbs, which are readily available locally.

How do some state provide peanuts to the rest country?

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Where does nut come from?

Trees. Except peanuts, which are legumes; they grow underground.

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country peanuts