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The South was able to procure war material in exchange for cotton through several means, including running blockade runners to the Port of Nassau in the Bahamas and St. George in Bermuda where warehouses were erected for such purposes by Southern and British private businessmen. In addition Texas cotton was taken through Mexico through the port of Matamoros at the mouth of the Rio Grande. The Confederacy also maintained agents in London and Liverpool to directly purchase war material and ships. at least 25 blockade runners and 2 armored cruisers (the most notable being the CSS Alabama) were procured in this manner. Warships could not be fitted out with weaponry in England and so were sailed to the Azores where they were armed with cannon. At the beginning of the conflict Southern Agents were also able to purchase war material from Belgium, France and Austria-Hungary which could be easily shipped to Southern ports before the Union blockade was firmly established. Payment was facilitated by British, Dutch and French banks which had already acted as "factors" for the cotton trade since the time of the American Revolution. As a follow-up of the question: Did the cotton production cease after the war? No. Cotton is still grown in the South and in states in the "Sun belt" that extends through Texas and Arizona. Cotton requires a long season of warm weather that is only available in these southern states. Besides the "sunbelt" cotton is still commericially viable in South Carolina, central Georgia, Alabama and especially the Mississippi delta from Memphis to New Orleans, all bastions of the "Old South"

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Q: What country did the South try to get war supplies from in exchange for cotton during the US Civil War?
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The Union naval blockade, which prevented the Confederacy from exporting its plentiful cotton in exchange for war-supplies. This crippled the Southern economy.

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The blockade prevented needed supplies from coming in, and cotton from going out

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Bratian yoo

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The greatest resource was cotton. During the civil war, the South traded cotton for guns and other supplies. The South also withheld cotton shipments to Britain to convince them to help them fight in the Civil War. This was called the Cotton Diplomacy.

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The Confederacy decided to withhold its cotton from overseas countries, in order to pressure them into siding with the South and sending aid. Unfortunately for them, there happened to be a glut of cotton on the world market, so nobody felt the pressure. Meanwhile the South was not able to import war supplies in exchange for its cotton.

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