Tommo lives in Iddlsleigh, France with his family and love, Molly.
The first family to live in the White House was John Adam's.
It is where their family lived when they were born.
their country makes them pay high taxes and the country picks their job, freedom, family, ect. in our country we have the freedom of writing, religion, family, ect.
no, because i don't have any family or friend in that country
As a Muslim woman, and according to Islamic culture, I will live in the country were my husband and myself agree together to live live and work. If I am still not yet married, I will live in the country were my parents and myself agree together to live. Some may say that the Muslim woman would live where she could fulfill her personal ambitions. However, in Islamic culture, personal ambitions are within the family integrated ambitions. The family before woman marriage is herself, husband, and children. The family before her marriage, is herself, brothers/sisters, and parents. The decision is family collective decision. In Islamic culture, the smallest social unit is the family and not the individual as in many other cultures.
I think it was India for her younger childhood then her family moved to Swizterland
In the book 'Where The Red Fern Grows', Billy and his family live in the Ozark mountain country of Oklahoma.
Tommo lives in Iddlsleigh, France with his family and love, Molly.
Generally presidents have an 'official' residence. What and where that residence is would depend on which country you are referring to.
they do not live in a family
they live in the cat family
what country do we live in bailtmore
Where does akon family live?
Snoop Dogg currently lives in Diamond Bar in the gated community called "The Country"
A foreign country is any country which you do not live in. Turkey is a foreign country if you don't live there. If you do live in Turkey, then it is not a foreign country.