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Q: What country developed uranium enrichment programs?
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Enrichment of uranium faster with higher enrichment?

The higher enrichment needed the more enrichment and stripper stages needed. However the speed of enrichment depends more on how fast you can pump the uranium hexafloride through the individual stages without exceeding their limits. These limits will vary depending on enrichment technology used.

Where did the enriched uranium for the Little Boy atomic bomb come from?

The uranium enrichment facilty was at Oak Ridge.

How did TN help with making the atomic bomb?

The uranium enrichment plants were built at Oak Ridge, TN and powered by cheap electricity generated by the Tennessee Valley Authority.

What happened at Los Alamos?

Los Alamos was the location for part of the Manhattan Project, which was the code name for the creation of the first nuclear bombs. Uranium enrichment was mainly done at Los Alamos.

Are the atomic bomb and depleted uranium the same weapon?

No, the atomic bomb and depleted uranium are not the same thing. Nuclear weapons are made with enriched uranium or with plutonium as the fissionable material. Depleted uranium is uranium that is "left over" after natural uranium is put through a process called enrichment to inprove the concentration of the isotope U-235 over that in natural uranium. The enriched uranium with its higher percentage of U-235 is fissionable, and it can be used in nuclear reactors and in nuclear weapons. Depleted uranium is used to make armor-piercing projectiles, and can be put through the neutron flux in an operating reactor to be transformed (transmuted) into plutonium. Use the links below to related questions to learn more.

Related questions

Which of the following processes does not facilitate containment?

Enrichment of uranium-235 is done.

What exactly is a cascade in terms of the enrichment of uranium?

A cascade is a stage in the process of uranium enrichment; a plant has thousands successive cascades.

What is the cost to use uranium for fuel?

This price depends on: enrichment of uranium and the chemical form of the uranium fuel; also is different from country to country. For the international market of uranium; approx. 115 USD for 1 kg of the unrefined oxide U3O8 (in August 2011).

Engineers increase the concentration of uranium-235 atoms in nuclear fuel during what process?


Enrichment of uranium faster with higher enrichment?

The higher enrichment needed the more enrichment and stripper stages needed. However the speed of enrichment depends more on how fast you can pump the uranium hexafloride through the individual stages without exceeding their limits. These limits will vary depending on enrichment technology used.

What has the author D G Avery written?

D. G. Avery has written: 'Uranium enrichment by gas centrifuge' -- subject(s): Centrifugation, Uranium enrichment

Where is uranium-235 made?

Uranium-235 is not “made” per se; it occurs naturally and is found in uranium ores. It can also be produced through the process of enrichment by increasing the concentration of uranium-235 isotopes in uranium. This enrichment process is typically carried out in specialized facilities called enrichment plants.

Purifying the uranium two thirty five atom?

Enrichment of uranium in the isotope uranium 235 is made by gaseous diffusion or by centrifugation.

Where did the enriched uranium for the Little Boy atomic bomb come from?

The uranium enrichment facilty was at Oak Ridge.

Why don't the pellets with uranium oxide start to react during the enrichment process?

1. The material for enrichment is the uranium hexafluoride (UF6) not uranium dioxide pellets. 2. For a nuclear fission and and a nuclear chain reaction we need thermal neutrons.

What gaseous uranium compound is put in to the centrifuges for enrichment?

In the industry it is called Hex. Chemically UF6 - Uranium Hexafluoride.

What kind of nuclear work does North Korea work on?

Uranium enrichment.