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The Roman Republic was not defeated - it unravelled as a result of the 2nd C BCE Germanic invasion. Marius as consul was forced to recruit from the unpropertied class to get the numbers to match the hordes of Germanic people who were on the move. These unpropertied soldiers were dependent on their generals for pay, loot and land for settlement, and so the generals were able to blackmail the state into unconstitutional concessions. Sulla tried to rebalance the constitutional arrangements, but that came apart after his death. Caesar took total control as life dictator, but that ended with his assassination and the civil wars which followed. Octavian Augustus found a more durable solution of entrenching personal power for himself and his successors, and even though his Propaganda machine proclaimed the republic restored after he prevailed in the civil war, this concentration of power in one man meant that the republic was a sham, and the first citizen becam effectively an emperor who controlled the instruments of government.

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Q: What country defeated the last of the Roman Empire?
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The last capital of the western part of the Roman Empire was Ravenna. It replaced Milan as the capital on 402.

When did the Roman republic become the Roman empire?

Generally speaking there are two answers to this question. In all sense of the term of empire, it can be said that the Roman republic became an empire when the last remnants of its rival, Carthage was laid to waste. Rome then ruled the western areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In another sense, the Roman republic came to an end upon the rule of Augustus Caesar. At that point in 31 BC BCE, Octavian became Augustus Caesar and the "empire" ruled by an emperor can be said to be the end of the republic and into an empire.

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two minutes