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In 1492-93 when explorers discovered The New World, they had no idea how far west that the end of land extended. It could have been 20 miles, 50 miles, or thousands of miles for all they knew. And NO one dreamed just HOW big this "New World" actually was! In 1494, the two countries agreed to move the "line" meridian to 370 leagues (1 nautical league equals 3.45234 miles, so 370 leagues is about 1277.37 miles). But South America, the land they both wanted, went much further west. Portugal settled Brazil. But Spain got all the rest. So Spain benefited the most.

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Q: What country benefited the most from the Pope's suggestion to Portugal and Spain to draw a meridian 100 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands to settle their ownership dispute over new lands in 1493?
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