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The WWII Allies 'Big Three' were Great Britain, France, and the United States.

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7y ago

The UK, the United States and the Soviet Union were dubbed "The Big Three" of the allied forces. There were many other nations that were allies and underground resisters of the Nazis.

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12y ago

Us, UK, Russia

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12y ago

Britain , Russia and the US .

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Q: What countries where the World War 2 allies big 3 from?
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The Allies mainly consisted of England, The United States, and Russia. Yes, there were many other players involved, but these were the so called "Big Three" (also referring to their leaders) of the Allies throughout the war. Hope this helps

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The Allies and the "Big Three" .

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Britain was one of the major Allies in World War 2. It was one of the 'Big Three' Allies ... Joncey

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after world war one the allies put how big there battle ships and military vehicles could be. The allies or the us did not join because they thought they war peace full but the British were allies with the French when Hitler declared on France UK had to join. They were already damaged world war one but the America wasn't. The main reason we joined the war is because the Japanese attacked us and they were allies with Germany

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Who fought war world two?

The Axis (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allies (the U.S., United Kingdom, the Soviet Union) There are more Allie countries, but those are the main ones, often called "The Big Three."

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they only have to consist of more than 2-4 countries to be considered a world war.

What Agreement made that set goals for the world after the war?

The Yalta conference in 1945 was big, that is where Allies aggreed on how Europe was to be divided up after the war. Initially it was understood that countries would have elections and so-forth. Sounded good but as soon as war ended Stalin just occupied the countries (like Poland) and they where ruled by USSR. Many allies where upset because it looked like they fought the war to depose on Dictator only to see another take his place