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Serbia, Poland, Australia*, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Russia, United States, Italy, Poland, Greece, India*, Japan, Montenegro, New Zealand*, Portugal, Romania, South Africa*

* Countries were not independent at the time of World War 1, but were instead part of the British Empire and were given no option to join the cause or not.


U.S., Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia

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13y ago
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13y ago

Canada,us,Great Britain,India,Poland,etc. that's only some of the countrys who were part of the allied powers

ADDED: If the question refers to the Allied Powers of World War II then the above list barely begins to scratch the surface of the complete list of ALL nations that were allied against the Axis powers. The list is too lengthy to compile and list individually here.

(as well as making it much too easy to cut and paste the answer to place it into someone's homework)

For more informatiion and a complete listing see the below link:

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13y ago

Three of the countries that were apart of the Allied Powers were

The United States of America, Great Britan ,and France

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10y ago

In World War II, the Allied Powers were the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, the Soviet Union, and China. The Axis Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan.

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14y ago

The major Allies in World War II were, USA, UK, France, Canada, Australia, USSR.

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12y ago

Germany and France and Bulgaria

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6y ago

The US, France and Great Britain.

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Q: What countries were part of the allied powers?
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Which countries were the part of allied powers?

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Which countries were a part of the allied powers?

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During World War II, the allied powers included the United States, France, Britain, Australia, India, Canada, and Greece. Others were New Zealand and the former Soviet Union.