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Q: What countries were in the triple alliance 1914?
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What countries was the triple alliance?

There was no triple alliance.

What were the triple alliance and the triple entente?

It is how WW1 broke out, in August 1914 ;]

In world war 1 Germany Austria-Hungary and Italy were called what?

From 1882-1914 the three countries made up the Triple Alliance, but Italy's membership was virtually meaningless.

What alliances did Serbia have in July 1914?

The war started on July 28 1914, Serbia was in alliance with Russia.improved:and russia, was in alliance with Britain and France. (the triple entente).Germany, austria-Hungary and Italy were also in an alliance (the triple alliance).

The three Triple Alliance powers?

The Triple Alliance was comprised of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The alliance lasted from 1884 up until 1914.

What countries were allied in World War 1?

The countries that were in the alliances in world war one were.. Britain, France and Russia formed the Triple entente. Germany, Italy and Austria - Hungary formed the triple alliance.

Which alliance consisted of Germany Austria Hungary and the ottoman empire in 1914?

The Triple Alliance (1882) included all three countries. Italy, regarding their "common defense" pact not to apply due to Austrian aggression, did not join Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I (1914), and actually fought against Austria later in the war.

Is the Triple Alliance still current?

No, the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy ended in 1914 with the outbreak of World War I.

Was Belgium in the Triple Entente or the Triple Alliance in 1914?

They were Neutral at that time. :D I come from Belgium

What countries were involved in the triple alliance with Germany?

The Triple Alliance involved Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

When did the triple alliance end?

because of the cold war

What countries were included in the triple alliance?

The countries in the triple aliance were Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary.