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Q: What countries were considered the big three axis powers?
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Three countries that formed the Axis Powers?

Germany, Italy, Japan were the three axis powers during World War 2

What are the axis power countries?

The main three countries of the Axis powers in World War 2 were Germany, Italy, and Japan.

What three countries was part of the axis powers?

Germany, Italy, & Japan.

What were three axis powers that invaded other countries in ww2?

The three main members of the Axis were Germany, Italy and Japan.

Who were the three main axis powers or World War 2?

Germany, Italy, and Japan are considered the main 3 countries of the Axis, though Japan is not in Europe. I believe that is the answer you are searching for, as there were greater than 3 Axis countries in Europe.

What three countries were under axis powers?

Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan

What anime has countries as people?

Axis Powers Hetalia.

The Axis Powers included all three of the following countries?

Germany, Italy and Japan.

What three countries comprised the axis powers in world war 2?

germany russia and japan

Three countries that formed axis powers in world war 2?

Germany, Italy and Japan.

What 3 countries were considered the axis powers during world war 2?

Germany, Italy, Japan

Who were Adolf Hitler axis?

Hitler was the leader of Germany during WWII. Germany, Italy and Japan were the three countries that comprised the Axis powers.