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Q: What countries used direct control of their colonies?
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What method management did the french use with their colonies?

The method of management used by the French with their colonies was direct control.

How did paternalism affect colonies?

Europeans used paternalism as a direct form of control of the colonies. They provided for the colonial peoples' needs but did not give them full rights or self determination.

How did Europeans use paternalism to govern people colonies?

Europeans used paternalism as a direct form of control of the colonies. They provided for the colonial peoples' needs but did not give them full rights or self determination.

What is the relationship between colonizing countries and their colonies?

The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.

What was the relationship between colonizing countries and their colonies?

The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.

Why was the Declaration of Independence important to colonies in Africa Asia and South America?

Other colonies used the Declaration as a model for forming their own countries.

Why is Direct investment used?

Direct investment is advantageous because labor and raw materials may be cheaper in some countries

Why most french speaking countries are from Africa?

France used to rule over vast colonies in Africa, especially in the west and central parts of the continent, after independence over 20 countries were formed from these colonies.

Which Southeast Asian countries did the US used to control?

The Philippines.

What can you infer about the methods some european countries used to control african land and people?

European countries used coercion to control the African land and people. They used fear and punishment to get the people to bend to their wishes.

Which two countries or colonies have Portuguese as the major official language?

There are no more Portuguese colonies. Two countries that used to be Portuguese colonies are East Timor, where Portuguese shares official language status with the native Tetum; and Macau, where Portuguese shares official language status with Chinese.

Describes how European countries used colonies as markets for goods as well as getting raw materials?
