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Q: What countries took the Soviet side during the Soviet-Afghan war?
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They were part of the Soviet Union and did send their armies to fight along side all other soviet countries and also supplied the soviet armies with resources.

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{| |- | Germany, being the location of Berlin, was the focal point. The US and NATO were on one side of the wall. The Soviet Union was on the other side of the issues. |}

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North Korea's side

When was the soviet union and the US on the same side?

They were on our side during World War 2.

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What describes countries that were considered behind the Iron Curtain following World War 2?

it depends in which side of the curtain are you if you are on the east side ... then behind the curtain was the west capitalism if you are on the west side . behind the curtain was the east comunism

Where Russia and the US ever on the same side during war?

Yes. The US and the Soviet Union were allies during both world wars.

How many countries joined Germany during World War 2?

Italy and Japan under the rule of Benito Mussolini and Hadeki Tojo. Joseph Stalin and the USSR were on the axis side until Germany invaded the Soviet Union

Which side did the soviet union support during the Korean war and which side did the US support during the Korean war?

The Soviets supported North Korea while The U.S. supported South Korea.

What was on the soviet's side of the iron curtain?

The two sides of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War were the Soviet Union and Europe. This was a symbolic barrier put up to limit the West's influence.

What countries were your enemies during work war 2?

That depends on which side you were on.