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China, Korea, US, Germany

Antarctica, Brazil and Chile

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Q: What countries made up each of the two alliances?
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What does alliances mean in history?

For people to help defend themselves, several countries joined alliances.

How did alliances bring a great war?

If there are every simply two countries fighting each other, then it's a typical war. However, when each of those two countries has a group of friendly nations who will help in case of war, then you have a world war.

What two alliances fought in world war 2 what countries belonged to each?

Axis-Germany, Italy, and Japan. Allies-U.S., Britain, France, Russia, Canada, China. There were more countries on the Allies.

Why was World War 1 accidental but World War 2 planned?

ww1 was like a domino effect. it was accidental because of all the alliances the European countries made with each other. it was susposed to be a war between two countries because of the assasination of an Austrian prince. but because of all the alliances all those other countries were dragged in also. ww2 was planned because Germany was out for revenge and wanted to gain their power back.

What two countries made a treaty with each other?

it was Germany and England

The war might have involved only two nations austria-Hungary and Serbia if not for?

Like many wars, it got bigger because of the system of Alliances that each country had with other countries.

What were the impacts on France during World War 1?

AlliancesAn alliance is an agreement made between two or more countries to give each other help if it is needed. When an alliance is signed, those countries become known as Allies. A number of alliances had been signed by countries between the years 1879 and 1914. These were important because they meant that some countries had no option but to declare war if one of their allies.

What is meant by term alliance?

An alliance is an agreement made between two or more countries to give each other help if it is needed.

When are countries interdependent?

Two countries are interdependent when they have their own form of government, own constitution and own territory but depend on each other in various ways. Such countries will enjoy mutual benefit from their reliance on each other.

Due to diplomatic ties the US lost friendly alliances with these two countries during World War 1?

Germany and Britain

Who were the first two countries in World War 1?

there wasnt really a first 2 countries... it was really almost all of the countries in Europe at that time... they all had a bunch of alliances and forced each other into war... they were also building their military over the years, and they were just waiting for an excuse to let them go...

What links were there between the two crises and alliances?

nothing. the two crises don't link with alliances.