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British,France, Russia

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Q: What countries joined with the US to fight against Hitler?
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Why did these countries fight in World War 2?

Hitler started killing Jews and invading other countries joined to stop Hitler killing all Jews and lots of other people

Did the US fight with Hitler to defeat England in world wars two?

No. The US fought against Hitler. We were allies of the UK.

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They joined the US to fight the Spanish

Which side did Hitler's nephew fight for in World War 2?

Hitler's nephew, William Patrick Hitler, fought against his uncle in World War II. He joined the United States Navy and served as a pharmacist's mate. He changed his last name after the war to distance himself from his infamous relative.

Did any countries try to fight Hitler?

Yes a lot of countries were aganst Adolf Hitler and tried to kill him.

Did Hitler's mom agree to kill Jews?

Hitler's mom died before WW2 in a fight against breast cancer.

Did the American colonist fight against the British army?

Some fought against the British. Others joined Loyalist militias and fought for the British. Still others didn't fight.

What did the European nobilities do against the revolution?

They raised military coalitions which joined together to fight the French.

Did anyone fight against Adolf Hitler?

Look up the events of WW2 - European Front.

Were Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler rivals?

No. They did fight against each other in WW2 though.

Why did Germany and Italy become involved in the Spanish Civil War?

People from other nations soon jumped in to support both sides. Hitler and Mussolini sent arms and forces to help Franco. The Soviet Union sent soldiers to fight against fascism alongside the Spanish Loyalists.. Although the governments of Britain, France, and the United States remained neutral, individuals from those countries, as well as other countries, also fought with the Loyalists. Anti-Nazi Germans and anti-Fascist Italians joined Loyalists cause as well.

In 1970 what native American tribe joined the British to fight against the US?

In 1970 the United States wasn’t fighting the British and no Native Americans joined them.