

What countries have colonies?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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15y ago

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The United States maintains colonies all over the world, though at the moment we are focusing on the mideast.

These colonies - like all colonies - must sell us their natural resources at prices favorable to us, while purchasing the finished product from us at prices favorable to us. They also must rely on us for defense, let us oversee their own forces, let us set parameters on their "governments", etc.

All the standard practices of a colonial power.

China is another colonial power. They have colonies in Tibet and Uighur and elsewhere. They are a bit more proactive than the Americans, though, and have outright annexed these lands, not bothering with any pretense of "self-rule". But they're a new power, and still learning subtlety. America used to do this, too, in the old days. Such as everything west of the Mississippi, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. Then we learned that puppet governments let the locals feel less inclined to revolt, as it was one of their own in charge.

Great Britain is still the top colonial power. But they being at it longer than China or America have graduated to a still more subtle level involving cultural and financial control that is ever so much more secure - for not being noticed. Hard to revolt against what one doesn't know is there! You could discuss whether Britain really has colonies or not with Nigeria and India. But as you'd be discussing it in their "Parliament" and in the language of English that they speak, that would kind of prove the point.

Meanwhile, you need hardly dig to deep in an investigation of African and Asian named oil companies to come across "BP" as the power behind the stooge behind the stooge that controls those companies.

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Australia, Denmark, Netherlands, France, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom, and the United States.

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United Kingdom






Netherlands (1700's).

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