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In the period 1866-1918 the Hapsburg Empire consisted of the whole of these countries: Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia. It also included substantial areas of what is now Romania, Poland, Ukraine. It also included small areas of what is now Italy and Serbia. From 1878-1918 it included Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The Hapsburg Empire held, at one point or another, the thrones of the Archduchies of Upper and Lower Austria, the Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Serbia, Milan, Parma and Bukovina, the County of Tyrol, the Grand Duchy of Salzburg, the Kingdoms of Bohemia (including the 'Lands of the Bohemian Crown), Hungary, Naples, Sardinia, Sicily, Galicia & Lodomeria, Dalmatia, Lombardy-Venitia, the Banat of Temeswar, the Vogvodina of Serbia & Tamis Banat and the Grand Principality of Transylvania along with the Adriatic Port of Trieste and the territories of Istria, Gorizia, Gradisca, the Vorarlberg, the Vorlande, the Austrian Netherlands, Oltenia (also known as Grand-Voivodate or Valachia Ceasarea), new Galica (including, after it's incorporation, Krakow), Venetia, the Raska Region and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Various members of the dynasty also ruled Spain (Castille & Aragon and their territories), Tuscany, Wurzburg, Vorlande, Modena, the Duchy of Parma and the Second Mexican Empire. Napoleon I of France and Peter I of Brazil were married to members of the Hapsburg dynasty whilst on the throne.

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Q: What countries did the Hapsburg Empire rule?
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The Hapsburg Dynasty ruled the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Literally, the correct answer is "Austro-Hungarian Empire", but this country no longer exists, in 1919 the monarchy was abolished and the country split up, and parts have changed country many times since.The territory which was the Empire in 1919 now is the following countries:* Austria* Bosnia* Croatia* Czech Republic* Hungary* Slovakia* SloveniaPlus parts of the following countries:* Italy (north-east part, Alps and Trieste area)* Poland (Southern part)* Romania (the area called Transylvania)* Northern Serbia* Western UkraineMost of the above countries did not exist in 1919, so you cannot say the Hapsburg ruled them.In previous centuries the Hapsburg also ruled territory further west, including what are now parts of Switzerland and Germany, Alsace (now part of France) and most of what is now Belgium.