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Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq sent their armies.

Saudi Arabia and Yemen sent epeditionary forces which served alongside the five main armies.

Additionally, two Palestinian militant groups (the Holy War Army and the Arab Liberation Army) fought alongside the regular armies.

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Q: What countries attacked israel when it was first created?
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How many times has Israel attacked its neighboring countries since its creation in 1948?

1) In 1956, Israel attacked Egypt with the prompting of the United Kingdom and France. 2) In 1967, Israel attacked Egypt responding to an Egyptian blockade of Israel's southern port. All other wars that Israel has participated in have been brought about due to attacks on its land or its people first.

When was First International Bank of Israel created?

First International Bank of Israel was created in 1972.

When was the state of israel first created?


Where did uzis come from?

they were first made in Israel. then everyone made copies in different countries.

Who were the first countries involved in World War 2?

Germany attacked Poland on 1 September 1939

Why does the US support of Israel have to do with terrorist attack?

Answer 1Because the countries that surround Israel DO NOT support a Jewish settlement in what THEY perceive is Arab land. The Arab countries have attacked Israel - and that was the 6 day war in 1967. The main problem was that Arab armies are very poorly trained and they HATE following orders - and they are not the bravest soldiers on the earth!!! And that is why 7 Arab countries attacked tiny Israel in 1967 - and within 6 days the Israeli Army turned it into a slaughter - with the attacking countries - begging on their knees for mercy - and for the very well trained Israeli Army to stop the massacre - which they did!Answer 2Looking at it from a different P.O.V, I think that Bush does not like that his ally, Israel, is being attacked by civilians who only have rocks to throw. So he thought: 'Hey! Why not help Israel get rid of the civilians protesting for peaceful life and a good standard of living'Answer 3The question relies on a supposition, namely that the US support of Israel is in some way related to terrorism. It does not. The United States supported Israel prior to 9/11 and prior to the first acts of terrorism against Israel in the Intifadas. The United States support for the State of Israel comes from a variety of sources. Israel has cooperated with the United States on diplomatic issues, military and intelligence exchanges, large amounts of trade, and significant technological investment. In addition there a numerous Americans who support the State of Israel because of religious convictions on top of the already-listed reasons. Since the United States suffered a terrorist attack, there is certainly more cooperation and communication between the United States and Israel on that, but it is in no way the basis or most important part of their mutual relationship.

Which countries attacked the United States first in WW II?

Japan (1941) and then German (1942-43). (Not sure though).

Do you need a visa card to get into israel?

It depends on your country of origin. Most First World Countries (US, Canada, European Countries, Japan, South Korea, Australia, South Africa, etc.) can enter Israel without a VISA for 90 days of tourism. Most African and Asian countries cannot do so. For more information, see the Map below in the Related Links.

Nixon's actions of giving aid in the Yom Kippur War resulted in the first shortage of what?

Petroleum.As retaliation for US support of Israel, the Arab countries leveled an Oil Embargo on all Western Countries.

Why did the Taliban attack US and why?

First off, Al Qaeda attacked the US. Al Qaeda attacked because the US had troops in Israel to try and help Israel reestablish government. Al Qaeda wanted to start their own form of government in wich the Islamic religion ruled the people. They also feared our western influence could detract from the righteousness of Muslims.

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They were both the first female Prime Ministers of their respective countries: Israel and Turkey.

From what part of the world and from which countries did the first three Crusades start out?

In Europe, and from France, England, and Germany. They went to Israel for the Crusades.