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You could just about be hung for anything during this period if you were a villain a commoner and your feudal lord decided he had a mind to, it was pretty common in this period and every village had a gibbet.

Vagrancy was punishable by mutilation and on a second offense hanging. Murder, highway robbery, theft over a shilling, rioting, forgery and arson were all punishable by hanging.Of course to be hanged you had to be a villain (a commoner), as the aristocracy were not hung, but were beheaded by a sword.

Treason was given the ultimate punisment of being hung drawn and quartered. This was to be hung until nearly choked, then cut down before death. You would then be drawn on the rack until your joints dislocated. Finally if this wasn't enough you would have your guts split open and your intestines and other organs yanked out. Then the executioner would take your heart slice it out and present it to you as you died shouting "Here lies the heart of a traitor". Your body would then be cut into four pieces and sent to the farthest parts of England and your head would be placed on a spike at London bridge.

They were just a little bit barbaric in the middle ages in England.

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