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Parliament could not effectively tax and control the colonies.

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Q: What could the parliament not do?
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Who could be a member of parliament in the 18th century?

In the 17th and 18th centuries, members of parliament were mainly those who were wealthy landowners. A seat in parliament could be bought in those days. In addition, the monarchy had a large amount of influence in determining who could become a member of parliament.

How was Parliament invented?

The Barons did not like the fact that the King could not do as he wanted, so they revolted, parliament was one of the conditions of peace.

In what three ways was the power of English monarch limited by the English bill of rights?

English Bill of Rights took the power away from English monarch and transferred it to the Parliament. Very importantly, it did not allow monarch to follow Catholic religion or marry a Catholic. Secondly, monarch could not levy taxes without consent of the Parliament. Also, they could not raise army without parliament's permission.

What action could the British Parliament have taken to resolve their differences with the colonists, and strengthen relations between England and America?

The British Parliament could have taken several actions to resolve their differences with the colonists and strengthen relations with America. They could have given the colonists representation in Parliament, allowing them a say in the laws that affected them. They could have repealed the various taxation acts that fueled the colonists' grievances. Lastly, they could have engaged in more open and inclusive dialogue with colonial leaders to address their concerns and find common ground.

How could the British government have prevented the American Revolution?

By appealing to King George III to intervene in their behalf with the Parliament.

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Can Charles and Camilla have the law changed or denounce her faith to take the throne she is catholic?

Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.Yes, it is possible that the law could be changed if the British parliament agreed to it.

Who could be a member of parliament in the 18th century?

In the 17th and 18th centuries, members of parliament were mainly those who were wealthy landowners. A seat in parliament could be bought in those days. In addition, the monarchy had a large amount of influence in determining who could become a member of parliament.

Under the provisions of the English Bill of Rights the king or queen could not raise taxes without the permission of?


Why was the Parliament houses built?

the house of parliament was built so that politicians could discuss issues of the nation

Where could one book escorted tours of the Houses of Parliament?

You can book guided tours of the Houses of Parliament through the official UK Parliament website. These tours offer insight into the history and workings of the UK Parliament and must be booked in advance.

Who is the head of parliament?

There could be a few people that could be considered leaders... The Clerks of each of the chambers are the leaders of the parliament in the sense of parliament as an institution. The presiding officers are the leaders of parliament in the sense that they chair meetings of the parliament. The leaders of the two major parties (Premier/Leader of Gov in Upper House and Opposition Leader) are that in the sense they control the bulk of members of the parliament.

What makes the houses of Parliament famous?

the house of parliament was built so that politicians could discuss issues of the nation

How did the English parliament the power of the monarch?

English rulers turned to parliament for funds. In this way, it could limit the power of the monarch.

How was Parliament invented?

The Barons did not like the fact that the King could not do as he wanted, so they revolted, parliament was one of the conditions of peace.

How did Charles make parliament angry?

Because he thought he could do as he liked, ruling by the grace of God, and expected Parliament to do his bidding.

What is the relationship between local governments and Parliament in England?

In Great Britain, a sigle central organization, the Parliament of burdens it could perform only with difficulty and inconvenience. Though unlikely, parliament could do away with these and other agaencies of local government at any time.

Why was Parliament created?

so the king could meet with his taxpayers.