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A temporary arrangement. After all, it lasted for four years until its President had himself elected Emperor.

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Q: What could the Second French Republic be describes as?
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Why would Texas become a republic?

no ! Texas could not possibly become a republic

The argument that a republic could survive only in a small territory was stated by?

If I'm not mistaken, it was Montesquieu who argued that a republic could survive only in a small territory.

Why did the French Republic fail?

The biggest problem with the Third Republic (and, come to that, the Fourth) was the multiplicity of political parties, whose shifting alegiances ensured tat no government could survive for very long. The ultimate failure was, of course, the Second world War, which ended the Third Republic and produced the Vichy regime. After the war, the Fourth Republic provoded a new constitution which was designed to be better than the Third... but wasn't.The Third Republic of France collapsed following the German invasion in 1940. Germany deposed the government and established a puppet regime under Marshal Petain in Vichy, France.Radicals split into factions and differences led to violence.

What would citizens of rome do if they thought a decision made by rome was unfair?

During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.During the republic, they could voice their concerns to their tribune and perhaps pressure him to get the decision changed or modified. During the principate, there was little they could to except live with it.

Who of the following events marked the end of roman republic?

On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.On the surface, the assassination of Julius Caesar could be seen as the event that ended the republic, but this is merely the final incident of a long series of events that destroyed the republic.

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Does a french national require a visa for new caledonia?

Along with other Pacific Ocean territories of French Polynesia,New Caledonia is part of the French Republic. Its official status, unique in the French Republic, is described as sui generis ("of its own kind") because New Caledonia is the only French subdivision that is not a collectivate' territriale.From the foregoing, one could draw the conclusion that a visa is not necessary for a French Citizen to visit there.

How do you say second-party in French?

The term "second-party" is not commonly used in French. If you are referring to a business relationship where one company is closely affiliated with another, you could use the phrase "partenaire étroit" or "partenaire affilié" in French.

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"Pourrais" is the conditional form of the verb "pouvoir" in French, which means "could." It is used to express possibility or ability in hypothetical or polite situations.

What is a term for a leader of the roman republic?

It's a tossup between Julius Caesar and Octavian. Julius Caesar was the last single leader of the Roman republic. However the republic did not abruptly end at his death. The second triumvirate was formed, which was a legally appointed trio with each man having equal power. When the triumvirate fell apart and Octavian came out on top, he technically became the last leader of the republic, making it much easier for him to form the principate.

Did the french revolution last until the 19th century?

Yes, and no. France went from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional one, then to a Republic. One could say, then, that the revolution was over by 1793. But after several changes of constitution Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor in 1804, and after his defeat the absolute monarchy returned until 1830, when a constitutional monarchy was again established. This lasted until 1848, when yet another revolution resulted in the Second Republic. But we're not finished yet, because the first President was Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, who declared the Second Empire in 1852. He was deposed in 1870 in favour of the Third Republic, which lasted until 1940 when the French State was imposed by Hitler. In 1945 the Fourth Republic took over, and this was replaced by the Fifth in 1958. You may choose any of these dates as the end of the Revolution, but who knows, there may be more to come.

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The Catholic religion and the French language was second to Vietnamese religion/language during the war. When we met a (South) Viet National in the field, if he didn't speak English, he could sometimes speak French.

Is there a national animal in new Caledonia?

There is no official national animal for New Caledonia, though one could argue that it would be a Rooster; being a sovereign state of the French Republic.

How do you get osmania degree second year french language model papers?

I'm in search of B.Sc 2nd Year french model papers....Could any one help me out please...

Why would Texas become a republic?

no ! Texas could not possibly become a republic

What does pouvez in french mean?

Could or can or are able to in Could you ...? Can you ...? or you can Are you able to ...? or you are able to.... it's the second plural person of 'pouvoir' verb at indicative present

How could Texas have remained a republic?

Oh, if only they could have!

What type of Problems did the Roman Republic Face by 1333 BE?

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