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Q: What costs did Prime Minister George Grenville think should be paid so he asked Parliament to pass the Sugar Act in 1764 to tax American colonists?
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What did George Greenville do?

Grenville was the British Prime Minister in 1765 -until July The Quartering Act was passed in March. although strictly a Prime Minister does not pass an Act Parliament does - Grenville was head of Government when Parliament passed the Act

What was George Grenville's first action against the colonies?

As Prime Minister of England, George Grenville was responsible for the Stamp Act of 1765, which taxed the American colonies. The colonists opposed the tax because their representatives had not been consulted about the Stamp Act.

Who was the British Prime Minister that passed the American Revenue Act in 1764?

George Grenville

Why did the great Britain raise taxes on on the American colonist after 1763?

King George III borrowed money from other countries to pay for the Seven Years' War and he needed a way to pay it back, so Prime Minister George Grenville asked Parliament to tax the colonists!

Who was the 8 prime minister of England?

George grenville

Who was the British prime minister 1763?

George Grenville

What year did the stamp Act get passed by the king?

Prime Minister Grenville proposed the Stamp Act of 1765. The act required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought ant papers items. This was one of the colonists' reasons to start the revolution.

Who was the First lord of the Treasury and later prime Minister who was responsible for some of the most outlandish taxes on the American colonies including the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act?

It was Prime Minister George Grenville.

When did George Grenville became British Prime Minister?


Who was prime minister of England in 1764?

his name was George Grenville

Who was the british prime minister who had parliament enact laws that taxed lead painters colors glass paper and tea?

Charles Townsendprevious answer- George GrenvilleHe (George Grenville) was the prime minister of Great Britain whose plan to control American colonies included the Proclamation of 1763, stricter enforcement of the Navigation Acts, and the Stamp Act. ---------------hope this help :))))))))))

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