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escape-avoidance coping

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Q: What coping strategy finds making jokes and facetious remarks during stressful situations?
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What is a sentence for faceious?

It's FACETIOUS. It means playfully joking, especially at inappropriate times. Here are some sentences.His facetious remarks got him into trouble during class.She's such a facetious person that I can imagine her playing those jokes on the teacher.

What are sentences that use the word facetious correctly?

When making a facetious statement, you might want to smile or otherwise indicate that you are not being serious. He didn't understand that I was being facetious when I told him I could type in my sleep. My facetious suggestion to dig a moat around City Hall did not amuse the mayor. Facetious remarks or a joke or two are an excellent way to begin a speech, no matter how formal or serious the topic, since humor is the best way to engage an audience.

What punishment do you think that those should receive for making racial remarks towards someone?

It depends on the situation. Broadcasters have lost their jobs because of racial remarks and politicians have lost elections. People whose racial remarks interfere with their job performance should probably given a warning and then fired, or fired outright if the remarks are too egregious. People who make racial remarks in social situations should be cut from the group if their remarks are offensive to the group.

What strategy does A J Jennings use on the jury when making his opening remarks for the defense in Lizzie Borden's trial on June 15 1893?

Mention of his familiarity with the Borden family

What is the meaning of the idiom do not ignore the remarks?

It is not an idiom. It means "do not ignore the remarks." Remarks are things that are said, and someone wants you to stop ignoring them.

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Remarks of carl friedrich gauss

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When was Opening Remarks created?

Opening Remarks was created on 1978-01-24.

How do gay parents remarks get rebuked?

The same way straight parents' remarks get rebuked.

How can you use caustic in a sentence?

He is hurt when he heard her caustic remarks of his shoes

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The Tagalog term for "opening remarks" is "bating pang-unang".