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The pharaohs

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Q: What contributed to the decline of the great civilization in ancient Egypt?
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What civilization contributed more to world history ancient Greek or ancient Egypt?

ancient greeks

When did ancient Egypt emerge as a civilization?

ancient Egypt emerged as a civilization at about 3200 BC.

How did Ancient egypts civilization end?

The Great Ancient Egypt's civilization ended after the conquest of Alexander the Great. The Egyptians were already on the decline as the priest class had become corrupt and the people began to turn on them.

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Was ancient Egypt in a city?

No not really, it was an ancient civilization.

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Ancient Egypt.

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What contruted the most to the decline of the indus river valley civilization?

While the Indus River itself provided water for drinking, agriculture and boats shipping freight, it was the people of the Indus Valley who made use of the river and the land to their benefit.

What is the main reson for the decline and fall of Egypt?

The decline and fall of ancient Egypt was influenced by a combination of factors including foreign invasions, internal political instability, economic challenges, and environmental changes like droughts and famines. Additionally, the changing balance of power in the region and the inability to effectively adapt to new threats played a role in the decline of Egypt as a dominant civilization.

Who is the oldest human civilization?

the sumerians or ancient egypt

What is the name of Egyptian civilization?

Ancient Egypt