

What consul died at Cannae?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Aemilius Paulus.

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Q: What consul died at Cannae?
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Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.Yes, the Battle of Cannae was one of Rome's greatest defeats.

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This question is confusing and needs rephrasing. It is not clear whether it is meant to ask what led to the battle of Cannae or who led the battle of Cannae.

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It was fought near the town of cannae in apulia, southeast Italy

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He asked the day after Caesar died, during the Senate meeting

Where was cannae located?

Southeast Italy .