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Confederate General James Ewell Brown Stuart

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Q: What confederate general has the intals JEB?
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Why did Jeb Stuart support the Union?

Jeb did not support the Union. He was a Confederate general.

Was Jeb Stuart a Union general?

No, Sir. He was a Confederate cavalry leader.

What was the general of the confederate army?

I believe it was Jeb Stuart, confederate cavalry officer who scouted a great deal for General Lee

Was jeb Stuart a union or confederate soldier?

I believe with the short research I've done, and after analyzing it all, that JEB Stuart was indeed a confederate.

What confederate cavalry officer let General Robert lee down at Gettysburg?

Jeb steward

What Confederate general was one of the Souths best cavalry leaders?

Often overlooked because of the cavalry of JEB Stuart, Nathan Bedford Forrest was an excellent Confederate cavalry commander.

Who was the flamboyant commander of the confederate troops?

JEB Stuart.

Civil war leader with initials JEB?

James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart (February 6, 1833 – May 12, 1864) was an American soldier from Virginia and a Confederate States Army general during the American Civil War.

What Union general was driven out of Virginia by Jeb Stuart?

In early battles around Richmond, Stuart guided Jackson's corps into position on the left flank and later led the attack that drove Gen. George B. McClellan back from the gates of the Confederate capitol. Source: "Jeb Stuart and the Confederate Defeat at Gettysburg" by Robinson.

What mission did Confederate General Lee assign to General JEB Stuart on June 10 1862?

On June 10, 1862, the Peninsula campaign of the Union was underway. General lee summoned cavalry general JEB Stuart to do some scouting for him. Lee wanted to know how far the Union's right flank extended above the Chickahominy. This military information was required inasmuch as Confederate Jackson's army would be approaching that area shortly to join Lee's own army.

What are Civil War people from a-z?

· Alexander Stephens (Vice President of the Confederate States of America) · Braxton Bragg (Confederate General) · Cadwallader Washburn (Union General) · Davis, Jefferson (Confederate President) · Edward M. Stanton (Union Secretary of War) · Forest, General Nathan Bedford (Confederate General) · General George McClellan (Union General) · Hannibal Hamlin (Lincoln's Vice President during the war) · Jackson, Thomas "Stonewall" (Confederate General) · Kane, Thomas (Union General) · Lee, Robert E. (Confederate General) · Mallory, Stephen R. (Confederate Secretary of the Navy) · Philip Kearny (Union General) · Quantrill, Confederate Captain William · Richard Taylor (Confederate General) · Stuart, James Ewell Brown "Jeb" (Confederate General) · Taliaferro, William B. (Confederate General) · Ulysses S. Grant (Union General) · Van Cleve, Horatio (Union General) · Wadsworth, James S. (Union General) · Zook, Samuel (Union General)

How did Confederate Major General JEB Stuart die?

J.E.B. Stuart died in Richmond from a wound received at the Battle of Yellow Tavern. He died May 12, 1864.