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John L. O'Sullivan

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Q: What concept of manifest destiny was first expressed by?
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Expansionist a used the term manifest destiny to justify what belief?

The term Manifest Destiny was first used to support westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean. Manifest Destiny was a popular concept in 19th century America.

First use of manifest destiny?


Who was the writer that first used the term manifest destiny?

John O'Sullivan.

What is the concept of Manifest Destiny and how does it apply to American imperialism?

God was on the side of American expansion... "Manifest" means obvious and "Destiny" means certain. "Manifest Destiny was a phrase first coined by John L. Sullivan, an advocate writer urging the United States to annex the Republic of Texas. Meaning of "imperialism" is Empire building and or domination over foreign people. American imperialism is connected to "Manifest Destiny", through the short-lived Spanish-American War. Historians agree that being the only time the United States annexed anyones soil because territorial growth was needed.

Which phrase did newspaper writer John O'Sullivan use to state his believe in the right of the US to grow larger?

John O'Sullivan used the phrase "manifest destiny" to argue for his position that the US should expand across North America. He first used the phrase in 1845.

How are covered wagons helpful?

Covered wagons were the first SUV's. They moved both people and things. They made Americans mobile. The concept of Manifest destiny and the great migration to the west coast were possible because of these wagons.

When was the term the Manifest destiny first used?

July of 1845 by John O'Sullivan in an article about the annexation of Texas.

How did Sam Houston contribute to the manifest destiny?

He made the first giant step by winning independence for Texas.

Use the primary sources attached to answer the following question: Was Manifest Destiny Justified?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that it was the United States' destiny and duty to expand its control and influence from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The primary sources attached to this question provide different perspectives on whether Manifest Destiny was justified. The first primary source, a speech given by John L. O'Sullivan in 1845, is in support of Manifest Destiny. O’Sullivan argues that the United States has a right and a duty to expand its control and influence, as the country was founded on the principles of freedom and democracy. He states that it is the United States' "manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." The second primary source, a speech given by Chief Seattle in 1854, is in opposition to Manifest Destiny. Chief Seattle argues that Manifest Destiny is an imperialistic endeavor that will bring destruction and death to the Indigenous peoples of North America. He states that the "White Man” will take their land and resources, and that their culture will be destroyed in the process. It is difficult to determine whether Manifest Destiny was justified, as it depends on the individual's perspective. Some may argue that Manifest Destiny was justified, as it allowed the country to expand its influence and spread democracy throughout the continent. Others may argue that Manifest Destiny was not justified, as it brought destruction and death to Indigenous peoples and their cultures.

What phrase did newspaper writer John O'Sullivan use to state his belief in the right of the US to grow larger?

John O'Sullivan used the phrase "manifest destiny" to argue for his position that the US should expand across North America. He first used the phrase in 1845.

Who went to Utah in manifest destiny?


Why did the us acquire new territories?

First off, it was because of manifest destiny- the dream to acquire all land from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Also, the south wanted new territories because they needed new farmlands; tobacco heavily stressed the soil