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Heinrich Himmler was the name of the head of the SS and the terror apparatus. He was responsible for the establishment of the Nazi concentation camps but he himself obviously wasn't a concentration camp and none was named afterr him.

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Q: What concentration camp was Heinrich Himmler?
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Auschtwitz It was first concectration camp and biggest concentration camp.Bulid by Heinrich Himmler In 1940

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Bergen-Belsen became a concentration camp on the orders of Heinrich Himmler in 1940.

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some of the names were Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann

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A little over two years (1943-1945). Before it was a concentration camp, it was a POW camp. It became an extermination camp in 1943 on the orders of Heinrich Himmler.

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Dachau is known for being the first Nazi concentration camp, Located in Germany, it was established by Heinrich Himmler.

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Bergen Belsen became a concentration camp in 1942 by Heinrich Himmler. It was first used as a camp for exchanging Jews with German captives.

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The person in charge for the Nazi concentration camps was Heinrich Himmler. Himmler committed suicide in May 1945.

What was Heinrich Himmler's role in World War II?

Heinrich Himmler was the head of the SS and also the head of all the concentration camps. He set up the first concentration camp at Dachau in March 1933.

Who was the head of the German ss also in charge of the nazi concentration camp?

The SS was headed by Heinrich Himmler. The second in command (until June 1942) was Reinhard Heydrich.

What does concentration camp mean during world war 2?

When the concept of an internment camp was unveiled by Germany in 1934, Heinrich Himmler described it as a place where "...enemies of the Reich could be concentrated." The name stuck, and they were known as concentration camps for the duration of the war.

Who was the Holocaust directed by?

Adolf Hitler directed the Holocaust. The concentration camps were directed by Heinrich Himmler.

When was Heinrich Himmler born?

Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7, 1900.