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Q: What compromise was made by Alexander Hamilton to make the southern states accept his new financial plan?
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What compromise led to acceptance of Hamiltons plan for reducing the national debt?

The Compromise of 1790 led to the acceptance of Alexander Hamilton's plan for reducing the national debt. This compromise was the first big compromise reached by the new government in America.

What deal helped to win support Alexander Hamilton's debt plan from southern states?

what deal helped to win the support for alexander hamilton's debt plan from southern states

Why did the southern states disagree with Alexander Hamilton's plan and how did he compromise?

Alexander Hamilton had many plans, be more specific in asking questions please.

Why did the Southern states disagree with Hamilton's plan and how did he compromise?

Hamilton compromised with southern states by stating that he would ensure that the United States would absorb all of the debt for the war. In exchange Hamilton asked the southern states to relinquish the hold of wanting the nation's capital in one of the southern territories.

What did Alexander Hamilton agree to do to win support from the southern leader?

locate the national capital in the south

What did Alexander hamilton do to win the support for his plan from the southern leaders?

In exchange for Southern votes, promised to support locating the national capital on the banks of the Potomac River, the border between the two southern states, Virginia and Maryland.

Why was Washington choosen?

Most northern states had large debts due to their heavy expenses from the Revolutionary War. Most southern states had little or no debts. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton wanted the federal government to assume these debts; in doing so he hoped he would improve the nation's reputation with creditors and amass power in the hands of the federal government. The southern states balked at the idea, so Hamilton reached a compromise with them: if they agreed to his debt assumption plan, he would approve of a southern location for the nation's capital. And so it was - Washington was built between the southern, slaveholding states of Maryland and Virginia.

When is the cause in the compromise of 1850 and Southern filibuster ventures?

The cause is the Compromise of 1850, and the effect is the Southern filibuster ventures.

Was the last attempt at compromise before Southern secession?

Crittenden Compromise

Which was the last attempt at compromise before southern secessions?

Crittenden Compromise

What did hamilton agreed to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders?

What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders

What did Hamilton agree to do to win the support for his plan from the Southern leaders?

What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders