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Q: What combination of factors attracted rural Americans as well as immigrants to cities in the US?
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What are two factors that attracted immigrants to US?

bigger cities

What factors attracted settlers to Ottawa Canada?

The good farm land attracted settlers.

How did the rise of American Industry act as a pull factor for immigrants?

For immigrants some factors pushed them from their country while other factors pulled them toward America.

Why were the Chinese especially treated harshly?

The Chinese were treated harshly due to a combination of factors such as racism, economic competition, and xenophobia. They faced discriminatory laws, violence, and social exclusion, particularly in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Chinese immigrants were seen as a threat to white Americans.

Do immigrants today face the same issues Why or why not?

Immigrants today face similar issues as in the past, such as discrimination, cultural adjustment, and language barriers. However, the specific challenges may vary depending on the country of destination, immigration policies, and economic conditions. Overall, the experience of immigrants is influenced by a combination of historical, political, and social factors.

What were the push factors for Swedish immigrants in 1900?

swedens push factors were that they had a lack of available land.

Why did immigrants face prejudice in America?

People thought immigrants were taking jobs away from citizens. Americans also did not understand the new religious customs immigrants brought with them.

Why do immigrants immigrate?

Immigrants move because of certain factors such as poor economic conditions, persecution, famine, need of a better life.... and the list goes on.

Why are some people not straight?

Sexual orientation is a complex aspect of human identity that can be influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. People may not identify as straight due to a combination of their inherent orientation, personal experiences, and societal pressures that shape their understanding of who they are attracted to. It's important to recognize and respect the diverse spectrum of sexual orientations that exist.

What are the push factors for Chinese immigrants?

Push factors for Chinese immigrants include political instability, poverty, lack of economic opportunities, discrimination, and restrictions on personal freedoms in their home country. These factors often motivate individuals to seek better living conditions and opportunities abroad.

What are advantage's?

Beneficial factors or a combination of factors.

What factors and motivations drove immigrants to the American colonies in the 1700s?

Escape from wars and religious freedom.