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Horus is usually depicted as a falcon or falcon headed man.

I don't think skin color is really important in face of that.

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Q: What color is Egypt horus?
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Where was horus worshiped?

Horus was worshiped throughout ancient Egypt.

What did horus lose in the battle for the throne of Egypt?

Horus did not lose.

Was Horus a Christian?

If you mean the Horus from ancient Egypt, no, he was not a Christian.

What did the Pharaoh's of ancient Egypt think of the God Horus?

Pharaoh's of ancient Egypt were believed to be Horus incarnate.

What was the eye of Horus was?

The Eye of Horus is a symbol from ancient Egypt. It represents health and protection.

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When did Horus become ruler of Egypt?

Horus is a Egyptian god, not a actual person - he never ruled Egypt save as the living Pharaoh.

What special features does horus have?

Horus is the falcon/falcon headed god of ancient Egypt.

Who is God the Son?

The SUN god is Horus. (Egypt) The son OF god is Jesus.

Who was beileved to be the living god in Egypt?

Horus, as the pharaoh.

What was Horus's duty?

Horus' duties are to look after and protect the people of ancient Egypt. He is the ruler of all the Egyptian gods.

Gods and goddesses of Egypt?

The gods of Egypt includ Isis Ibis Horus many others