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Q: What color beard did Ferdinand Magellan have?
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what is ferdinan magellans fave color

What is name after Ferdinand Magellan?

i think the navigation system Magellan was named after Ferdinand Magellan The Magellanic penguins were named after Ferdinand Magellan.

What was Ferdinand Magellan first name?

Ferdinand Magellan

Who first circumnavigated the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

What is the name of the explorer led the first expedition around the world?

The first expedition around the globe was led by Ferdinand Magellan.

What are the positive impacts of Ferdinand Magellan?

Ferdinand Magellan was the first explorer to circumnavigate the world. Alright Ferdinand Magellan!

Was Ferdinand Magellan's father an explorer?

ferdinand magellan's father was a mayor

Did Ferdinand Magellan get to Europe?

yes Ferdinand Magellan make it to Europe

What was Ferdinand Magellan aims?

Ferdinand Magellan's aim was to circumnavigate the world.

Who was ferdinand's family?

who was Ferdinand Magellan closest family member

For what country did Ferdinand Magellan sail or search?

Ferdinand Magellan Sailed from Spain

Who supported Ferdinand Magellan in his expedition?

Ferdinand Magellan was supported by Spain on his expedition.