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The Spanish-American War was mainly fought for Cuban independence. The Americans fought with the Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Filipinos against the Spanish. The American side won and then the US acquired three Spanish territories: the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. The US also acquired Cuba although this was not a transfer from the Spanish.

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Spain lost Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. The Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam became US territories.

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Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam and the Philippines.

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The Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam became US territories. Spain also acknowledged the independence of Cuba, which was partly controlled by US interests until 1959.

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Q: What colonies did the US take from Spain in the Spanish and American War?
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Queen Regent Christina. King Alfonso XIII of Spain was not yet old enough to take charge of Spain which he did in 1902 when he turned 16.

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You can be a Spanish citizen at any age.

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The Spanish American War took place in 1898.

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