women wore mob caps and dresses men breeches and blouses
Back in the colonial era, people would dress very differently then we do today. Women would wear many layers of petticoats underneath the dress. If you were wealthy, the dress would be very fancy, probably made out of silk. you would also probably wear a big wig. If you have ever seen a picture of a colonial woman, you will see that they wore a hoop under their dress to make there hips look bigger. Why? It attracted the men. People wanted to have lots of babies because sadly, most children died before the age of 2, and they wanted to make sure that the family name got passed on. People got their clothes from the Milliner, a clothes selling and making person basically. Children wore "puddings" a padded hoop that went around their waist to protect them if they fell. Back then they didn't have medicine to cure and stop infections if you got cut, so people were very careful. You might have died even from a cut if it got infected. Poor ladies would wear a cotton dress with a apron and mob cap. If a lady didnt wear a apron, it was considered frivoulos. The mob cap was to keep their hair from getting dirty because they didnt bathe often. The men wore stockings, breeches, and a jacket and bow and most lkely a wig if they weer wealthy. If they were poor, they most likely wore breeches and a cotton shirt and that was all. No wigs. A wig was approximently 10 pounds. 1 pound is equivalent to $1.60 in the USA. It also cost another 5 pounds to get your hair shaved. People dint have pockets back then because supplies were expensive and if a pocket ripped the whole dress or pants or shirt could unravel, so instead they tied bags to the inside of their pants or dress.
corn and wear
They changed their clothes up to 4 weeks. They wore the same outfit for 4 weeks except for church.
the new England colonies, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies
the southern coloniesthe southern colonies
people in the newengland colonies wear homeless clothes
corn and wear
they did not wear any
There were English, a little bit of French, etc.
Clothes were simple, sturdy, and warm.
Generally cool clothes as it is summer.
They changed their clothes up to 4 weeks. They wore the same outfit for 4 weeks except for church.
the southern colonies were places.
the new England colonies, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies
Middle Colonies New England Colonies Southern Colonies
how did people in the southern colonies cook
the southern coloniesthe southern colonies