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Native Americans wore pants, shirts, dresses, and loincloths. There were often made from the skins of the animals that they hunted.

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they use Buffalo for clothing

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Q: What clothes did the Native Americans where and make?
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What did the Native Americans use buffalo Rawwhide?

to make clothes and shoes

What kind of clothes did native Americans in tribe mohawk where?

They are native Americans. Probably a loin cloth.

What did the native Americans use for clothes?


What were Native Americans clothes made from?

animal skins

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What tools did Indians use for making clothes?

Native Americans use fur and animal hide to make clothing.

What were the clothes made of?

Native American clothes were primarily made from an animal hide. After colonization, Native American clothes began to change and the use of cloth was added. Some Native Americans also began using plant parts as ways to make clothes, although this was very rare and seldom used.

How did the Native Americans Died there clothes Because they were Naked.?

What I think you want to ask is: 'If Native Americanse were naked, how did they have any clothes to dye?' Most Native Americans did not live naked, sepecially in the colder parts such as Canada.

What are native americans clothes made from?

animal skins and fur