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Q: What climate is found in the middle latitudes?
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Are the wet tropical climate found primarily in the middle latitudes?

yes tropical wet climates are found primarily in the lower middle lattitudes.

Why do equator regions more consistent climate than regions at middle latitudes?

There is only a tropical climate as opposed to a temperate, moderate, highland, or continental climate in the middle latitudes.

In what latitudes are moderate climates found?

Moderate climates are typically found in latitudes between 30 to 60 degrees north and south of the equator. These regions generally experience four distinct seasons with mild temperatures and moderate amounts of precipitation.

A climate found in the low latitudes?

hot and dry

Where are moderate climates found?

middle latitudes

Which climates are found in the middle latitudes?


Whats the temperature in mid latitudes?

The middle latitudes are characterized by a temperate climate. The most temperate parts of the Middle East are Turkey, northern Iraq, and northern Iran.

Are tornadoes commonly found in middle latitudes?

Yes. Tornadoes, especially strong ones, are most common in the middle latitudes.

Is Switzerland located in the tropics or in the middle latitudes?

According to sources I have read, the country known as Switzerland can be found in the middle latitudes.

Are tropical climate zones usually found in high latitude areas?

No. Tropical climate zones are found in lower latitudes.

Is it true that tropical wet climates are found primarily in the middle latitudes?

No, tropical wet climates are primarily found near the equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These regions receive high amounts of rainfall throughout the year and experience warm temperatures. Middle latitudes generally have a more temperate climate with distinct seasons.

Where are moderate climates generally found?

middle latitudes