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Q: What claim does Jefferson present in the preamble of the declaration answers?
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What is a motif in the Declaration of Independence?

There are no motifs (intentional at least) present in the Declaration of Independence.

Which of the following men was not present at the Constitutional Convention out of Thomas Jefferson Gouverneur Morris Roger Sherman and James Madison?

Thomas Jefferson

Does the Declaration of Independence govern like the founding fathers would have wanted in the present day?

The Declaration of Independence did not establish any form of government. You are thinking of the Constitution.

How was it decided that the Declaration of Independence would be written?

A delegation from the Continental Congress tried to visit King George III. He refused to see them. It was obvious that he was not interested in the concerns of the colonies even if they spoke with one voice. The British burned the cities of Charleston, Mass, and Norfolk, Virginia, and raped the women. (Years later John Jay said that the burning of Norfolk was the biggest mistake the British committed.) Then the British sent an army and occupied New York City.On June 9 of 1776, Representative Richard Lee of Virginia made a motion that the colonies declare their independence from England. John Adams of Massachusetts seconded the motion. There was opposition so the the buck was passed to a committee. The continental congress appointed a committee consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin, to write the Declaration of Independence. The committee argued about how they should go about it. Adams, the court room lawyer, thought they should argue out the issues and present the best case. Jefferson thought they should present a reasoned argument for independence. Benjamin Franklin then assigned Thomas Jefferson the job of writing the declaration. After Jefferson presented his document, Adams and Franklin made a few minor changes. It was then presented to the Continental Congress. Jefferson's Declaration was so well presented and thought through that no one in the Congress opposed it. While the Congress made a few changes it approved it unanimously.

Why didn't Mr Livingston take Napoleon' s offer when it was present?

he did not have the authority from thomas Jefferson

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Which section of the declaration uses a writing style that present a series of philosophical claim?

The preamble uses a writing style that presents a series of philosophical claims.

Did Thomas Jefferson have anything to do with the framing of the Constitution?

Thomas Jefferson was not present at the First Consititutional Congress, where the present day United States Constitution was drafted and written, he was in Paris. He is credited for being the main author of the Declaration of Independence

What was the first part of the declaration of independence about?

The first of the constitution was called the preamble and was about the purpose of the constitution, the philosiphy of it, and was our founding fathers expected of the U.S. to be in the present and the future.

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This is an assignment you need to do. We don't do your homework.

Is form 16 and investment declaration form is same?

No. Details present in the Investment Declaration form will be present in the Form 16 document

What is a motif in the Declaration of Independence?

There are no motifs (intentional at least) present in the Declaration of Independence.

Who was the present of the confederacy?

Jefferson Davis

Was the Declaration of Independence written by the second continental congress?

Perhaps surprisingly, George Washington was not one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. He wasn't able to be present during the signing because of official duties in the Colonial Army.

When was the Declaration of Independence written?

The Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence was written in the summer of 1776 primarily by Thomas Jefferson, agreed upon on July 2 by the Second Continental Congress, sent to the printer on July 4, and all signatures were collected in the following weeks. Because not all delegates were present in Philadelphia at that time, the signing of the document took some time to complete. Most agree on the date August 2 as the official completion.

Is declaring a form of the word declaration?

No, the word 'declaring' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to declare. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective and a gerund(verbal noun).The word declaration is a noun form of the verb to declare.

What is the present simple tense of to answer?

The present simple tense of "to answer" is: I/you/we/they answer he/she/it answers