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Q: What civilizations did the Spartans conquer?
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When did the Spartans conquer the messenians?

The Spartans conquered the Messenians 730-710 BC.

Did the Spartans conquer the Persians?

oh yeah

Why did the Spartans need a strong army?

To conquer more city-states and not get raided

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he did not not conquer other civilizations

Why did the Spartans from Greece focus on their army?

They belived the world was theirs and they wanted to conquer it. (please improve my answer if needed.)

What two civilizations did Spain conquer in South America and Central America?

Incas and Aztecs

What 2 civilizations did Spain conquer in south America and central America?

Incas and Aztecs

Did greek city colonies in Asia minor conquer Sparta?

No they dont because the spartans end up winning the war.

Did marco polo conquer any civilizations?

No, he was a businessman, trader, explorer, and adventurer, but not a military conqueror.

What empire tried to conquer Athens in the 5th century BC?

The Persian empire.Note: Athens was also fighting with the Spartans, see the Pelopponnesian war.

Why did Spartans conquer and control people?

The Spartans (Laconians) sought to expand their territories to gain access to arable fields , water and mineral resources . Those peoples conquered became Helots (slaves) which , in turn , worked the land under Spartan supervision .

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Their soldiers were the first to adopt the use of iron weapons.