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What civilization was established on the large island of Crete by 2800 B.C.? Answer

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Q: What civilization was established on the large island of Crete by 2800 BC?
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Where is the home of the Minoans?

The Minoans lived on Crete a large island on the southern edge of the Aegean Sea.Cuba

Who discovered the Minoan civilization and when?

i think it's Arthur Evans. because i have this question on one of my work sheets. and here's what it says. "In A.D.1900 a British archaeologist named Arthur Evans discovered a large palace at Knossos in north-central Crete. This palace belonged to a civilization that Evans called the Minoan civilization, named after the legendary King Minos of the labyrinth. This civilization flourished on Crete between 2000 and 1450 B.C."

Which civilizations took over the minoans sea trade when they collapsed?

Greece was also by the sea with many natural harbors. The first Greek civilization was that of the Minoans on the island of Crete just south of Greece. First, they had a large fleet, which was useful for both trade and defense, enough to let another people, the Mycenaean Greeks eventually take over around 1450 B.C.E.

What are two of ancient Greece's large islands?

Crete is the largest.

Who were the Minoan people?

The Minoans were a powerful sea faring people. They lived on Crete, which is an island in the Aegean Sea; the Aegean Sea is located west of Turkey and southeast of Greece. The Minoans lived and dominated Crete from around 3000 BC to 1500 BC. The dates aren't exact though. The Minoans dominated trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. They had a deep culture in the arts. They are assumed to be a peaceful people for excavations done the ruins showed that there were no fortifications. The demise of the Minoans is unknown. Some believe that the natural disasters that had struck the Minoans in their last years is what led to their downfall. Some believe that people from Greece had taken over.

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What civilization was established on the large island of crete by 2800?

What civilization was established on the large island of Crete by 2800 B.C.? Answer

What civilzation was established on the large island of crete by 2800 bc?


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The earliest civilization in the Aegean region emerged on the large island of Crete, southeast of the Greek mainland. (Ch. 4/Pg. 75: The Essential World History-Volume I: To 1800: Third Edition- William J. Duiker & Jackson J. Spielvogel)

Where is the home of the Minoans?

The Minoans lived on Crete a large island on the southern edge of the Aegean Sea.Cuba

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Crete had no army because they were a island and had to defend from sea.

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The southernmost island in Europe is Gavdos. However, this large island you're referring to is Crete.

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It is a large island to the south/south west of Greece. It is currently owned by Greece.

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