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Alexander founded over 70 Greek-model cities throughout the empire he took over from Persia, modestly calling half of them Alexandria after himself; one in Egypt (he also called one after his horse Beucephalus = bighead).

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7y ago
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7y ago

Alexander the great founded many cities. According to the biographer and philosopher Plutarch, Alexander the Great founded at least 70 cities. More than likely this included pre-existing cities that were either renamed and/or repopulated by Alexander. The known cities that were directly founded by Alexander are at least twenty.

  1. Alexandroupolis: Founded in 340 BCE when he was still a prince near the modern Bulgarian city of Sandanski.
  2. Alexandria Troas: Founded in 334 BCE on the east Aegean coast. Troas refers to the Troad, the historical are near ancient Troy at the south-west end of the sea of Marmara.
  3. Alexandria by the Latimus: Probably refounded it as a military settlement in 333 BCE and most likely the ancient fortress city of Alinda in the modern-day Aydin Province of Turkey.
  4. Alexandria ad Issum/Alexandretta: Founded on the Mediterranean coast in 333 BCE at the north entrance to Syria.
  5. Alexandria, Egypt: Founded in 331 BCE and the most famous of all Alexandria's.
  6. Alexandria Ariana: Founded 330 BCE in western Afghanistan.
  7. Alexandria Arachosia: Founded in 330 BCE it is now known as the city of Kandahar the second largest city in Afghanistan.
  8. Alexandria Caucasiana: Refounded in 329 BCE this was the Achaemenid city of Kapisa in the Hindu Kush and is located 65 km or 40 mi north of modern Kabul.
  9. Alexandria Eschate: Founded in 329 BCE. 'Eschate' translates to 'farthest' signifies this city's position on the Jaxartes (Syr Darya) River that marked the northern edge of Alexander's empire.
  10. Alexandria Oxiana: Refounded in 329 BCE on the Oxus River in the region of Sogdiana, the city served as an outpost of Greek culture for two centuries. Today it is known under the Uzbek name Ai-Khanoum.
  11. Alexandria Margiana: Refounded in 328/327 BCE this city is on the Murghab River in the middle of the Karakum Desert and is most famous as the major silk road port of Merv/Marv.
  12. Alexandria Bucephalus: Founded in 326 BCE on the Hydaspes (Jhelum River) near the modern Pakistani city of Jhelum.
  13. Alexandria Nicaea: Founded in 326 BCE. Nicaea translates to 'victory' as the Hydaspes River was the place Alexander met Porus and won his last victory in India. It lays across the river from Alexandria Bucephalus.
  14. Alexandria on the Hyphasis: Founded approximately in 326 BCE it is the furthest eastern outpost of Alexander's Empire, the Hyphasis is today's Beas River in India's Punjab state. This is where Alexander turned back.
  15. Alexandria en Indo Potamo (Alexandria on the Indus): Founded in 325 BCE at the convergence of the Chenab and Indus River. Today it is called Cuch Sharif which was built over the ruins of Alexander's city.
  16. Alexandria Rhambacia: Founded in 325 BCE it is the modern-day Bela, in Pakistan near the mouth of the Indus.
  17. Alexandria Carmania: Founded in the beginning of 324 BCE it is not clear whether this city was built by Alexander or later by the Seleucids in Iran's Kerman Province.
  18. Alexandria Susiana: Founded in 324 BCE just before Alexanders death in Babylon, on a hill above the Tigris River estuary, atop the older Persian settlement of Durine and not far from modern Basra, Iraq. The city would go on to be better known under the name Charax Spasinu or simply Charax, an Ancient Greek reference to its palisaded fort.
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13y ago

he founded seventy cities and named most of the Alexandria

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11y ago

Notably , Alexandria , Egypt : see related link below for a list of cities founded by Alexander .


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12y ago

alexander was the great king of the city alexanderia

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11y ago

Alexandria in Egypt was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BC.

It is located on the Delta of the Nile River where it empties into the Mediterranean Sea.

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Alexandria in Egypt...

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Q: What city did Alexander the Great found in Egypt?
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What City in Egypt created by Alexander the Great?

Alexandria. :|

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Who was Alexander the Great and why was he important?

Alexander the great was an ancient Greek hero who crossed the ocean and conquered Egypt and named a city after himself Alexandria in Egypt.

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The first city Alexander the Great named after himself was Alexandria in Northern Egypt. That city served as the Greek administrative capital of Egypt. It became, and remains today, one of Egypt's and the Mediterranean world's most important cities.

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alexander the great conquered egypt and built the city of alexandria, i know this because i am egyptian.

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When Alexander went into Egypt, the Egyptians considered him a liberator. While he stayed in Egypt, he founded the city of Alexandria, which in the future would become a prosperous capital city.

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Yes. It was founded by Alexander the great

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During Alexander the Great's time, Alexandria itself was the only significant monument in Alexandria, Egypt. It was only a small village until Alexander's successors took over its development, so nothing aside from the to-be city itself was very significant during Alexander the Great's reign.

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Alexandria - Alexander the Great created many cities named after his self.

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The city of Alexandria

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