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Q: What city-state led by Phillip II was able to conquer the whole of Greece?
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Did Alexander the great want to conquer the whole world?

Yes, in fact he was the first ever to conquer all of Greece.

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The Kingdom of Macedon was annexed in 148 BC. The whole of mainland Greece was annexed in 146 BC. Crete was annexed in 76 BC, during a war against piracy.

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Alexander was Macedonian. The whole of the Persian Empire. Modern day Turkey, Egypt, all of Mesopotamia and adjacent lands.

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Conquer the whole map.

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HellasPersia never conquered the whole of Greece and the bits that medized (submitted to Persia) were quickly intimidated back away by the major powers of Athens and Sparta. Persia kept trying to conquer Greece because, simply, it was described to Darius and Xerxes as the most beautiful place in the world, and they wanted it.

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When Timothy doesn't tell Phillip the whole truth, it can create tension and misunderstanding between them. This lack of transparency can lead to confusion and hinder their relationship and communication. It is important for Timothy to be open and honest with Phillip to maintain trust and clarity in their interactions.

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There are a whole lot of ways to conquer it, but I will tell you the three first steps. 1) Try to conquer it by your own. 2) Try to conquer it with help of your family. 3) Look for help with a therapist. If none of them work, you should go with a professional.

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to conquer = kavash (כבש) In order to conjugate the verb form "conquering", you would have to provide the whole sentence.

Who was the first person to make a guitar in the whole entire world?

Johhny ray phillip

What was hilter goal in the war?

to sought to conquer Europe then the whole free world and make the perfect race Hitler wanted to conquer Europe then the free world.......but he failed

In the book The Cay does phillip stay blind the whole book?

No, Phillip does not stay blind the whole book. He regains his sight towards the end of the story after a surgery.