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Many changes occurred during the Industrial revolution but the main one was going from working at home producing single goods to working in large factories producing lots of goods

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Q: What changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution are still prevalent today?
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What were changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution?


What were three changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution?


What were 3 changes that occurred during the industrial revolution?

I survived

What important changes in the ways American lived and worked occurred as a result of the industrial Revolution?

The changes are they used to make things by hand. After the Industrial Revolution they started to make machines to make it way much easier. Its even easier for the people the used to set and keep swooning.

How many Industrial Revolutions have there been?

There have been 2 Industrial Revolutions: From circa 1750-1850 the first industrial revolution occurred in Britain when changes in agriculture, transportation, mining, manufacturing, and technology occurred. The second one occurred in North America when Henry Ford innovated the assembly line and created a concept of mass production.

How were the commercial revolution and the industrial revolution revolution similar?

Both created fundamental changes in the European economy.

What effect did the industrial revolution have on urbanization?

The Industrial Revolution brought about changes in material production, wealth, population distribution and labor patterns.

What changes did tycoons bring during the Industrial Revolution?

I love you(:

How were industrial Revolution and the commercial revolution similar?

Both created fundamental changes in the European economy.

How were the Commercial Revolution and Industrial Revolution similar?

Both created fundamental changes in the European economy.

What was the first country to experience the industrial revolution?

Well countries don't JOIN the industrial revolution, different countries have different industrial revolutions however the first one apparently happened in Great Britain in the late 18th and early 19th century. The changes then spread throughout Europe and North America, eventually the world (well some places might not have e.g. tribal islands or small countries that felt they didn't need or want to). The changes occurred through each countries own industrial revolution although they were most likely to have follow in the footsteps of other countries after seeing the positives of it.

What changes were made to US labor during the second industrial revolution?

The changes were unskilled and skilled