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The 25th amendment helped us out big time when it came to the united states. we now new our president without having to worry about anything

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Q: What changes did the 25th amendment bring afte it was passed?
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The 25th Amendment concerning presidential succession was passed out of what concern?

The 25th Amendment was brought out of concern of having a disabled President. The 25th Amendment was adopted on February 23, 1967.

When was the 25th Amendment passed?

February 23, 1967

Which amendment provided for succession to the presidency and presidential disability?

The 25th - passed in 1965 and ratified in 1967

What branch of government can bring charges against the president of the US?

The House and the cabinet with the 25th amendment.

The 25th amendment to the constitution was passed in 1967 so that?

there would be a way to choose a new Vice President if the current one became President

What amendment tells what to do in case of presidents disabilities?

25th Amendment

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Amendment 25, section 2, established a procedure for filling a vacancy in the vice-presidency.

Which amendment established current line of succession for the president?

the 25th amendment

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The 25th Amendment

Which amendment establishes what to do if the president is incapacitated and can't perform his?

The 25th Amendment

Which amendment detailed who would become President if the President died?

The 25th amendment

What amendment establishes what to do if the presidents is incapacitated can't perform his duties?

The 25th Amendment