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Answer 1
Some Abbasid caliphs were fond of easy living. As a result, they ignored their government responsibilities. Also, they did little to protect merchants from attacks by bandits. This badly hurt trade, which was a major source of Caliphs' wealth. Because of this, the Abbasid caliphs raised taxes. People soon tired of the Abbasids' selfish behavior.

Answer 2
Internal revolts and external challenges led to the decline of Abbasid rule.

Answer 3
The reasons for the eventual fall of the Abbassid Caliphate which occurred in 1100-1258 CE are the following.

1) Corruption: The Abbassid Caliphate had become one of the richest and most prosperous states in the world at that time, changing its leadership from honest brokers of power (Amir al-Mu'aminin - Prince of the Believers used to actually mean something) to individuals more concerned with money. This created strong resentment from those who were outside of the Abbassid purview.

2) Mawali Inclusion: The Abbassids were an Arab Caliphate (as opposed to the Samanids who were a Persian Caliphate) and were expected by many Arabs to treat other Arabs better than the Mawali. However, the Abbassids consistently treated Persians equal to or better than their Arab brethren which created animosity and a sense of betrayal. Many Arabs saw the Persians as the major backers of the Caliphate and that they were a tool for Persian interests. It was also perceived that the Persians were first servants to the caliphs but climbed way up the social ladder to a place they did not belong.

3) Turkish Armies:
Armies like the Mamluk (who were retained by the Abbassids for the defense of the Caliphate) were Turks who defended an Arab State. Beginning in this period, they began to realize that they had the capacity to create their own states considering how vast their powers were as a military. This idea also came to the fore for Turks outside of the Caliphate. As a result, there were Mamluk uprisings, Seljuq attacks, and other Turkish Armies turning against Baghdad.

4) Rise of the Mongols:
Hülegü Khan put the final nail in the coffin by massacring Baghdad and a number of Persian cities when he conquered the territory for the Great Khanate.

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Q: What challenges did the Abbassid caliphs face that made it difficult to hold their empire together?
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The last of the orthodox caliphs who was assassinated in 661?

Ali was the last of the Orthodox caliphs.

How did the Caliphs contribute to the growth of Islamic empire?

omar ibn al khattab the second caliph after abu baker was the most is influential caliph in the sense of acheivments and contrubute to the growth of islamic empire : Please see the Related Link below for more information.

What happened in 661 that greatly changed the governing of the Islamic Empire?

In 661, Muawiyah, the founder of the Umayyad Dynasty successfully defeated Ali and ended the Rightly-Guided Caliphate. The way Caliphs (Islamic Rulers) had come to power was through minor elections between those closest to the Prophet. Most believe that the Rightly-Guided Caliphs were people who attempted to guide Islam properly and were only interested in benefiting their people and expanding Islam. Muawiyah made control of the Islamic Empire hereditary (the Umayyad and Abbassid Empires were both hereditary) and the Umayyad Caliphs were seen to be incredibly ostentatious and non-religious. As Umayyads expanded their power, they began to set up regional governors and entrusted them with a lot of local authority. Also, the religious elite separated from the Umayyads and made the judiciary (which was run by the religious elite) a more independent body from the Caliph.

After the last of the caliphs were killed the Arab capital was moved to?


Who is the caliph with the shortest rule in history?

Umayyad Caliph Ibrahim ruled for a few weeks at the end of the year 744 C.E. This is the shortest reign of any Caliph.If you are referring to the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, Hassan ibn Ali ruled as Caliph for seven months in 661 C.E. before ceding power to Mu'awiya and conceding the end of the the Rightly-Guided Caliphs. Of the four dominant Rightly-Guided Caliphs, colleague Ibrahim El-Osery is correct that Abu Bakr ibn Quhafah reigned for the the shortest amount of time, 27 months from 632 C.E. to 634 C.E.

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What is an Abbassid?

An Abbassid is a member of the dynasty of caliphs which ruled from Baghdad from around 750 to 1250, claiming ancestry of Abbas.

Who was the first Abbassid Caliph?

The Abbassids were ruled by Kings who styled themselves Caliphs (since all previous rulers of the Moslem Empires had done similarly. The First Abbassid Caliph is Abu Al-Abbas As-Saffah. He ruled from 750 CE to 754 CE and was succeeded by the Abbassid Al-Mansur (there is a different Umayyad Al-Mansur in Spain in the 900s).

What importance did Caliphs have in ancient times?

None. Caliphs came to power in the Medieval Period. As for the Medieval period, the Caliphs were the leaders of the Muslim Empires called Caliphates. The four first Caliphs were called the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and they also had some religious authority in Islam. Because of the barbarity of the Umayyad Caliphs, the religious authority left the Caliphs and vested in the local Imams. Religious authority would return to the Caliphs in the mid-1500s in the Ottoman Empire until Atatürk abolished the Caliphate in 1936.

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The last of the orthodox caliphs who was assassinated in 661?

Ali was the last of the Orthodox caliphs.

What is a Mamluk?

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Yes. The Caliphs are the political successors to Muhammad.

Who was the last of the othrodox caliphs?

Hazrat Ali RAU was the Fourth and last Rashidoon Caliphs.

What is the difference between caliphs and sultans?

caliphs were religious leaders of Islam; sultans were political leaders

Did the next group of caliphs the umayyad ruled from madinah?

No because the group of caliphs the Umayyad ruled from Damascus

What rulers followed the first four caliphs?

The Umayyad Caliphate came after the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs.

Did the next group of caliphs the umayyads rule from madinah?

No because the group of caliphs the Umayyad ruled from Damascus