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The major challenge that President Ford face involved former President Nixon. He had resigned in the midst of the Watergate scandal and President Ford pardoned him for any crimes he may have committed.

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After US President Richard Nixon resigned, the US vice president became president. This was Gerald Ford. He faced many problems. And, to most historians and politicians of the day, to bring a former US president to stand trial was something the USA could not handle. At a trial, Nixon may have revealed information that might even embarrass his Democrat opponents. It cannot ignored that Nixon had been in and out of politics for years. As president he might have knowledge too sensitive.At any rate the two main problems Ford faced was whether or not to pardon Nixon. He did this and earned scorn. The other problem was that this "promotion" of sorts caught him way off guard. He was not prepared to be the US president.

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Ford faced the shadow of Watergate, the fact that he was replacing the elected President who resigned in disgrace. His pardoning of Nixon hurt him with Democrats who want a long politically-charged trial. Inflation ran high. Vietnam was still a problem as were oil supplies. I would not say his presidency was unsuccessful. The problems were not his fault and his successor, Carter, did not fare much better .

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Q: What challenges did US President Gerald Ford face that made his presidency unsuccessful?
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Gerald R. Ford is the one. He was appointed vice-president when the elected vice-president Spiro Agnew resigned and became president when President Richard Nixon resigned.

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Gerald Ford was never elected President or Vice President.He was 61 when he took over the Presidency after Richard Nixon's resignation, and he was 63 when he ran for President in 1976.

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He was vice president for 8 months. Nixon's running mate in '72, Spiro Agnew, resigned the vice presidency in October 1973. Nixon appointed Gerald Ford vice president in December 1973. Nixon resigned the presidency in August 1974, at which time Ford became president.

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I can only think of one: Gerald Ford. All other vice-presidents who later became president were at least elected vice-president first. However, Ford was not elected: the elected vice-president, Spiro Agnew, resigned due to criminal charges against him; Nixon nominated Ford as a replacement, and Ford became president when Nixon himself resigned. If you mean "not elected president", then there have been several. John Tyler was the first man to be elevated to the presidency because of the death of the elected president; he was referred to derogatorily as "His Accidency" because of it.

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Gerald Ford from August - December 1974. The last U. S. President who did not have a vice president at any time during his presidency was Chester A. Arthur, who served from 1881 to 1885.

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Richard Nixon's Vice President, Gerald R. Ford, assumed the presidency when Nixon resigned in 1974. Ford served the remainder of Nixon's second term and ran in the 1976 election. However, he was defeated by James E. (Jimmy) Carter.