88 BCE is in the first century BC or BCE.
The century for 561 bc, or more correctly 561 BC (also, BC is sometimes termed BCE) is: The 6th century BC
Confucius founded the philosophy of Confucianism in the sixth century BCE. Under the Han Dynasty(220 to 200 BCE), the discipline received widespread patronage. It resurged as neo-Confucianism, which also incorporated elements of Buddhism and Taoism, in the tenth century after the fall of the Tang Dynasty.
Germans don't appear in the historical literature in the 5th Century BCE so we don't know. They featured a people on the move who threatened Rome in the late 2nd Century BCE.
Hesiod - a farmer and philosopher author late 8th Century BCE. Homer - a bard who reduced the bardic stories to writing late 8th Century BCE. Aeschylus - a poet who wrote plays 5th Century BCE. Sophocles - a poet who wrote plays after Aeschylus 5th Century BCE.
In the early 8th Century BCE.
The Century - 1999 The Fall 1-6 was released on: USA: 3 April 1999
The 14th Century BCE.
The 4th century BCE.
The 13th century BCE.
88 BCE is in the first century BC or BCE.
5th Century BCE - in 490 BCE.
Third century BCE
5721 BCE is the 58th century BCE.
The ten northern tribes were absorbed into the Assyrian empire in the late 8th Century BCE .
The 20th century.